We believe there is one true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as revealed in the Bible.
We believe all people are created by God, in His likeness, and have eternal souls.Therefore we value treating every person as God's precious, eternal creation.
We believe the Father loves all people and created them to know, serve and enjoy Him. Therefore we value knowing God and joyfully serving Him out of gratitude for His love.
We believe the Son, Jesus Christ, made the only way to have a relationship with God possible by becoming human, dying for our sins and being raised to life again. Therefore we value people having a life-changing relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
We believe the Holy Spirit convinces people of sin and their need for Christ and empowers Christ-followers to know, serve and enjoy God. Therefore we value the power of the Holy Spirit who enables us to recognize sin, turn from it and become more like Christ.
We believe the Bible is given by God, is completely true and teaches us how to live. Therefore we value lives being changed by the study and application of God's word.
We believe the Church was created by God as a community of Christ-followers to accomplish His purpose on earth. Therefore we value sharing life together as we produce and develop Christ followers.
We believe evangelism is the responsibility of all Christ-followers to live and speak so that people begin a relationship with Christ. Therefore we value intentionally communicating and displaying Christ's life-changing impact to non-believers.
We believe discipleship is the responsibility of all Christ followers to grow in Christ-likeness and help others to do the same. Therefore we value providing learning environments that equip Christ followers to grow in Christ likeness.
We believe worship is our life response to God who has revealed Himself to all people. Therefore we value glorifying God with all we are, all we have and all we do.
We believe prayer is talking with God, aligning us with God's will and asking Him to release His power in the world. Therefore we value a lifestyle of communicating with God.