Helping people know Jesus and grow to be like Him is what we're all about, both here in Lake County and all over the world. Why? Because following Jesus doesn't stop at our front door, but reaches across the globe. Find out below how you can get involved with our global partners, experience a short-term trip, sponsor a child or participate in other opportunities.

volunteering opportunities



    Operation Christmas Child has many volunteering opportunities for you and your family! Shoebox processing starts from 11/27, ending in mid December. Also, Build A Shoe begins 1/21 and runs for approximately four weeks.

    Click HERE to learn more


    JUne 26 - july 3, 2025 (THE 410 BRIDGE)

    If you have a heart for global missions or if you’ve always thought about going on a mission trip but haven’t, now’s your chance! 

    This summer (June 26-July 3), Immanuel will send a group of adults and high school students (current juniors and seniors) to visit our friends in the beautiful community of La Nueva Independencia, Guatemala through our global partnership with The 410 Bridge.

    Please CLICK HERE to fill out the Guatemala 2025 Team Application. The deadline to register for the trip is February 23, but space is limited and the team is expected to fill up quickly. The team will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

    Click HERE to contact Bryan Bicket (adults) or Angel Roman (students/parents) directly if you or your student is interested in the trip and have any questions. 

    For more trip information, dates, and deadlines please CLICK HERE.

    To see a recap video of our 2023 Guatemala Trip with the 410 Bridge CLICK HERE.

  • Kenya 2025 Team Info Meeting
    MARCH 9, 2025

    This fall we are sending a team from Immanuel to visit our global partners at Shepherd's Little Lambs in Kenya. If you are interested in learning more about this adult trip and/or are able to participate in our Sunday, March 9 Kenya 2025 Team Info Meeting from 10:15-10:45 AM between the morning services.




  • GUATEMALA: The 410 Bridge

    CLICK HERE to see what sponsoring children in La Nueva Independencia through the 410 Bridge does not just for the specific children, but also for the entire community.

    CLICK HERE to sponsor a child or children from Immanuel's partner community in La Nueva Independencia, Guatemala!

  • Kenya: Shepherd's Little Lambs

    CLICK HERE to see how sponsoring children in Kenya through Shepherd's Little Lambs will provide for their physical, education, medical, and spiritual needs.

    Immanuel's partner locations: Green Pastures, Nakuru, or the Kijabe Practical Garage (KPG). For more information email Doug.

PARTNER Organizations

We have several organizations that we partner with through financial, personnel, and prayer support. The impact we have is exponentially higher thanks to our relationships with these global partners. Just click on one of the images below to get more information and investigate how you might participate in any number of initiatives here at Immanuel.

  • Since 1887, Life in Messiah has helped Christians understand the Jewish roots of our faith and God’s ongoing commitment to His people. In all we do, our priority is to share the gospel message. Today Life in Messiah has ministry to Jewish people in Israel, France, The Netherlands, Canada, Argentina, Mexico and the United States.

  • Shepherd’s Little Lambs is a day care and feeding program to help a few of the nearly 2 millions Kenyan children orphaned by AIDS as well as some of the poorest of the poor children in the area. National leaders work with our global partner to provide a place for these children to receive consistent, loving Christian care. Visit Shepherd’s Little Lambs' website, Facebook Page, or view this video from an Immanuel trip to Little Lambs! To sponsor a child click HERE.

  • Through our partnership with The 410 Bridge, we are able to connect with and serve alongside the local church in La Nueva Independencia, Guatemala. The goal is to empower Christ-centered, holistic, long-term development in this community by addressing the five key needs of water, education, economics, health and discipleship. To learn more about child sponsorship click HERE. To sponsor a child from La Nueva Independencia, click HERE. Email Bryan if you are interested in future trips. Click HERE to view a brief video from the 2023 trip.

Individual PARTNERs

We also partner with several individuals that have committed themselves to serve globally. A portion of Immanuel's giving is sent to these families each year to support their efforts in church planting, leadership, evangelism and discipleship. You'll find all sorts of information below on our friends serving around the globe. And while you're reading, perhaps you'd commit to praying for them.



    Zach is the Director of the Salt Company which exists to help college students at the University of Missouri (Mizzou) and surrounding colleges know, love, and obey Jesus. Zach was an active student leader with the Salt Company during his time at Mizzou and is thrilled to be back on campus to REACH the next generation with the gospel, RAISE them to know, love and obey Jesus, and RELEASE them to fulfill the Great Commission, to make disciples who make disciples. To contact Zach click HERE.

  • Katherine HOPPE

    wheaton, illinois

    Katie works as a Ministry Partnership Development (MPD) coach with InterVarsity, an interdenominational campus ministry. She coaches incoming staff throughout the year in the best practices of support raising. She met her husband, Tristan, when they were undergrads at Wheaton. To contact Katie click HERE.

  • Rod & Lori Kraybill

    AIM, Serving Northern Africa

    The Kraybills have been serving with Africa Inland Mission (AIM) for over 15 years. Rod is the Training and Leadership Development Coordinator for the AIM International office. If you are interested in connecting with Rod and Lori, click HERE. 


  • Tom & Michele

    southeast Asia

    Tom and Michele are long time missionaries, originally serving in the Philippines. The last four years they have worked in East Asia planting churches. They primarily work among Muslim people groups. If you are interested in connecting with Tom and Michele, click HERE. 


We recognize that God is doing so many amazing things in people’s hearts and lives that we want to help our people serve globally when they sense God’s leading. Because of this desire, we have created the following opportunities to help get our people do so.

  • serve Global 2.0

    If you sense God is leading you to serve others globally, our Serve Global Team would love to hear about it so that we can find ways to support you, either through prayer or financially. To apply, please fill out this form

    If you have questions email [email protected]