These group environments focus on individuals healing holistically. Whether it’s recovering from chemical dependency, walking through mental health challenges or overcoming the hurts, habits, and hangups in our lives, recovery groups help people pursue holistic healing by embracing Jesus as their higher power. 

The Recovery Course

THURSDAYs  |   7-9 PM

The Recovery Course is a twelve-step program for those recovering from chemical dependency. Participants engage in a large group session, and then break out into smaller groups. 

Questions? Email Tony.

Celebrate Recovery

Fridays  |  7-9 PM 

This twelve-step Christ-centered program is for those recovering from chemical dependency or simply dealing with life issues. Around here we say if you have hurts, habits, or hangups, Celebrate Recovery is for you! 

Questions? Email Tony.

If you, a friend, or a loved one is dealing with chemical or substance abuse, addiction or addictive behavior we’d love to talk. Tony Beaudion is our Recovery Pastor and has spent over two decades helping others achieve and maintain sobriety. Click HERE to email Tony.