Community GROUPS


If you want to become the person and do the things God wants you to do, you need to have intentional relationships with people who have the same goal and who want the same for you—and a Community Group is a great place for that to happen. In a Community Group, eight to twelve adults meet regularly to help each other love God, love people, and make disciples. You'll do this as you discover and apply God's truth from the Bible to your lives together. In a Community Group, you're both known and grown in the context of community. So which Community Group is right for you?



    MONDAYS  |  6:30-8 PM

    (meets every other week)

    Leaders: David and Ruby Owiny

    Location: Gurnee

    Life stage: 40s-60s

    Child care: Not available

    David and Ruby Owiny are excited to host a community in their home every other week. They have two high school aged daughters and a middle school aged son. They love to connect with others relationally and will use the sermon discussion guide to study.

    Click HERE to register

  • breakfast club

    wednesdays | 8-9:15 am

    Leader: Don Tremper

    Location: Bob & Anne's Restaurant (1739 Sheridan Rd, Waukegan)

    Life stage: Multi-generational

    Child care: Not available

    This mid-sized group (over 20 people) meets weekly for breakfast and a teaching series called "Second Helpings" where they’ll take a look at the New Testament books of 2 Corinthians, 2 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter and 2 John. No registration required. 


  • men's community group

    SUNDAYS | 6-8 pm

    Leader: Bryan Bicket

    Location: On campus

    Life stage: Adult men, multi-generational

    Child care: Not available

    Bryan has a passion for equipping followers of Jesus to live the kind of Gospel-centered life that Jesus calls us into and to multiply disciple makers. This weekly men’s group will be using the sermon discussion guide.

    Click HERE to register

  • young adult men's community group

    sundays  | 9-10 am  

    Leader: Seth Taylor

    Location: On campus

    Life stage: Young Adults 18+

    Child care: Not available

    Seth welcomes all young adult men to join the group. They will be going through Tim Keller’s “Counterfeit God’s” book.

    Click HERE to register


    WEDNESDAYS | 6-7:30 AM  

    Leaders: Jason Lind and George Bridges

    Location: On campus

    Life stage: Adult men, multi-generational

    Child care: Not available

    Jason and George are busy dads of teenagers and young adults. They understand the many pressures of life and desire to give guys a place to grow in their faith journeys. This group will be discussing the Book of Ephesians. 

    Click HERE to register

  • men's community group

    wednesday | 7-8:30 PM

    Leaders: Mike Lewis and Tim Hill

    Location: On campus

    Life stage: Adult men, multi-generational

    Child care: Not available

    Mike and Tim are busy dads of teenagers and young adults. They understand the many pressures of life and desire to give guys a place to grow in their faith journeys. The material the group will be studying is TBD. 

    Click HERE to register


    THURSDAYS  | 6:30-8 PM

    Leaders: Carl 'Spark' Ball and Greg Friedrich

    Location: On campus

    Life stage: Adult men, multi-generational

    Child care: Not available

    Greg and Spark welcome all men to join the group. They will support one another through prayer, studying the Gospel of John part 2 as part of a RIGHTNOWMEDIA series and encouraging each other to follow Jesus. 

    Click HERE to register

  • men's freedom fight courses & groups

    For Men’s Groups focused on living a life of Integrity, click HERE to visit the “Care Groups” page.


    • women's community group

      sundays | 6-8 pm

      Leader: Betsy Bicket

      Location: On campus

      Life stage: Adult women, multi-generational

      Child care: Not available

      Betsy loves to connect with other women of all ages to study Scripture and share the ups and downs of life together. This weekly women’s group will be using the sermon discussion guide.

      Click HERE to register


      MONDAYS | 7-8:30 PM

      Leader: Ifey Okafor and Anna Taylor

      Location: On campus

      Life stage: Ages 18-30's

      Child care: Not available

      This group of young adult women gather to share life, support one another and dig into scripture, all while equipping others to follow Jesus. 

      Click HERE to register


      TUESDAYS | 6:30-8 PM 

      Leader: Zoe Tobin

      Location: On campus

      Life stage: Ages 18-30's

      Child care: Not available

      This group of young adult women gather to share life, support one another and dig into scripture, all while equipping others to follow Jesus. 

      Click HERE to register

    • morning group: The surpassing value of knowing christ

      a study of philippians by beth moore

      every other wednesday | BEGINS JANUARY 29 | 9-11 AM

      Facilitator: Katie Lind

      Location: Immanuel Church

      Life stage: Women, multi-generational

      Child care: Available

      The book of Philippians is rich beyond words. In each of the five sessions Beth Moore will take you deeper into the chapter you studied.  Learn the history behind Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi, discover the meaning of Paul’s famous words, “to live is Christ”, unpack the keys to healthy church body life, peer into the subject of calling as a coworker in the gospel of Christ, and learn how to have joy in the midst of life’s difficulties.

      Click HERE to order book

      Click HERE to register

    • morning group: the armor of god by priscilla shirer

      wednesdays  | Begins january 29 | 9-11 am

      Facilitator: Danielia Mateja

      Location: Immanuel Church

      Life stage: Women, multi-generational

      Child care: Available

      All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you-your emotions, your mind, your family, your future. This study is an action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy.

      Click HERE to order book

      Click HERE to register

    • Thursday evening zoom group: lyrics of life by lisa harper

      meets online thursdays  | begins January 30 | 7-8:30 pm

      Facilitator: Jennifer Andersen

      Location: Meets online

      Life stage: Women, multi-generational

      A Psalm for every situation

      We sometimes feel like we need to curate our emotions when we talk to God. But God wants us to come to him honestly, no matter what we are feeling or going through. Join Bible teacher Lisa Harper as she teaches from the book of Psalms, looking at the variety of circumstances faced by followers of God. In this eight-session series, we learn how to find comfort in any situation based on this songbook of the people of God. The study guide is free, click here to view link. 

      Click HERE to register

    • morning group: elijah by priscilla shirer

      wednesdays | begins february 5 | 9-11 am

      Facilitator: Faith Zhang

      Location: Immanuel Church

      Life stage: Women, multi-generational

      Child care: Available

      We will be challenged to be bold as followers of Jesus, to experience God's presence and provision in our lives and to prioritize prayer and time with God.

      Click HERE to order book

      Click HERE to register

    • monday evening group: sanctuary of the soul by richard j. foster

      mondays | BEGINS FEBRUARY 10 | 6:30-8 PM

      Facilitator: Christi Ondo

      Location: Immanuel Church

      Life stage: Women, multi-generational

      This book on meditative prayer describes the riches of quieting your mind and heart in order to listen to and obey God more closely.  We will look at biblical teaching and step-by-step help needed to begin this prayer practice.  Meditative prayer is a long journey, but it can be done little by little, bringing you closer and closer to real, vibrant relationship with God.

      Click HERE to order book

      Click HERE to register

    • Connect with other moms

      If you’re looking to connect with other moms at various stages of the parenting journey, click HERE to visit our “Groups for Moms”.